Article 3

Article 3

Reaffirming the rights of women and girls to physical and reproductive integrity

(a) States should ensure that the full reproductive rights of women and girls, and unhindered access to comprehensive reproductive services, are upheld.

(b) States should recognize that harmful practices such as forced pregnancies, and the commercial or altruistic exploitation of women’s reproductive capacities involved in ‘surrogate’ motherhood, are violations of the physical and reproductive integrity of girls and women, and are to be eliminated as forms of sex-based discrimination.

(c) States should recognize that medical research which is aimed at enabling men to gestate and give birth to children is a violation of the physical and reproductive integrity of girls and women, and is to be eliminated as a form of sex-based discrimination.

Article 1

The rights of women are based upon the category of sex

Article 2

The nature of motherhood is an exclusively female status.

Article 3

Women and girls have the right to physical and reproductive integrity.

Article 4

Women have the right to freedom of opinion and freedom of expression.

Article 5

Women have the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association.

Article 6

Women have the right to political participation on the basis of sex.

Article 7

Women have the right to the same opportunities as men to participate actively in sports and physical education.

Article 8

Men’s violence against women need to be eliminated.

Article 9

On the protection of the rights of the child.